Saturday, April 5, 2008

Thursday, October 18, 2007

"Let's burn it down and collect the insurance money."


"J6 make me happy."


"Was that like SSG Ewer polite or....."



"Google knows!"

"It's a magic plastic card that gets me what I need."

"Most people do not care. But those who do care, really care."

"I'm sorry, did you not bring your emmy to the table?"

"We need to add a little more cowbell."

"Allow me to model the behavior."

"Nobody else is doing what we do."

"Craft a response."

"We gotta dance with who brung us."

"It should just F'ing work!"

"If it's not on our website, it didn't happen."

"We should get one of those."

"Time to un-ass the AO."

"Very nice."

"At this level of sophistication..."

"The least you need to know is..."

"Spread the gospel."

"You know what I like?"


"It is what it is."

" In your 'spare time'..."

"The illusion continues."

"We have a million years."

"Time is of the essence."


"That's an enduring image."


"Good lookin' out brother."

"That's unfortunate."

"Everything under control?"

"I follow your logic."

"I have faith in the system."

"Walk softly and carry an 0-5 stick."

"I'd like to drive you to the website."

"In a perfect world..."

"This smoke filled room."

"I wish General Trost was my grandpa."

...and so in conclusion, a long winded way of saying...